The ABCs of Trees by Scott Zanon

The ABCs of Trees

A First Book About Trees

Available on AMAZON – makes a great gift!
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About the book…

In this disarmingly simple book, Scott Zanon has succeeded in presenting some of the basic facts about trees in a way that stimulates children to learn more themselves.

Any child has seen trees in their own yard, in parks, on streets, and so on. This book playfully focuses on helping children understand how important trees are and explain some of the wonderful things trees do for all of us.

Young children are hungry for knowledge and facts – commonplace facts that help them understand the world in which they live. Learning that trees produce oxygen is a dramatic discovery for a young child. Here is a book that presents some of the basic facts about trees in the simplest possible way. A wide variety of illustrations, slow pace, and its simple yet effective theme contribute to the book’s success with young children.

Leaves from The ABCs of Trees by Scott Zanon
the sun
the sun
the sun
the sun
the sun
boy wiith trees

Residing in Columbus Ohio, Scott Zanon has previously written two book on trees – Desirable Trees for the Midwest and Landscaping with Trees in the Midwest. He recognized the need for a book like this to help educate and enrich children about the value of trees in our environment and daily lives. He graduated from The Ohio State University with degrees in both agronomy and horticulture.

Mitchell James is the illustrator. He has studied design and horticulture at The Ohio State University. This unique combination aided him in the creation of the book’s clever illustrations. He hopes that The ABCs of Trees will inspire and encourage its readers to be creative and learn more about the parts of nature they encounter every day.

the sun
the sun
the sun
the sun
the sun

About the author…

Years ago a seed was planted about his newest book as he saw children spending far too much time in front of televisions, computer screens, and their smart phones. The book playfully encourages children to learn and explore more about trees, plants, and gardening by getting outside and understanding the importance of nature and agriculture in our daily lives. Hopefully future industry agriculturalists are enlightened and encouraged by this book.

Scott resides in the Columbus (Ohio) suburb of Upper Arlington, a Tree City USA community where he is a long serving member of its Tree Commission and happily tends to his vegetable, herb, and perennial gardens. He was the long-time Chair of the Green Committee at The Ohio State University Golf Club and served on the Board of Trustees of Inniswood Garden Society. He is a member of the American Horticultural Society, Chadwick Arboretum, Inniswood Garden Society, Ohio Green Industry Association, and Ohio Turfgrass Foundation.

The author can be reached at:

The ABCs of Trees book by Scott Zanon
children watering a tree

Reviews for The ABCs of Trees

Columbus Dispatch, Dec. 4 2022

"Trees are so much part of the scenery in central Ohio that it's easy to forget that they're there, and they're remarkable. Scott Zanon's new children's book, “The ABCs of Trees,” aims to remedy this lack of attention. Almost anyone reading it, from kid to adult, will learn something new in the process."
Click to see a PDF of the full review.
Reviewed by Margaret Quamme for the Columbus Dispatch

Online Book Club, Feb. 1 2023

"...a short educational book about trees, their types, mode of food production, relationships with other organisms, methods of maintenance and many others. It not only educates children about what they need to know about trees but encourages them to contribute to making planet Earth "greener" and more livable."
Click to see a PDF of the full review.
Reviewed by Emmanuel Maduabuchi Eze,

Buckeye Arborist, Jan/Feb 2023

"In this disarmingly simple book, Scott has succeeded in presenting some of the basic facts about trees in a way that stimulates children to learn more themselves. He recognized the need for a book like this to help educate and enrich children about the value of trees in our environment and daily lives."
Click to see a PDF of the full review.
Reviewed by Joe Russell, Russell Tree Experts

OGIA, May 2023

" informative and captivating children's book that explores the fascinating world of trees. The book presents readers with a unique perspective on different types of trees and their characteristics. The book is illustrated by Mitchell James, and the illustrations are bright, vivid, and full of character."
Click to see a PDF of the full review.
Reviewed by Sara Cantees, Ohio Green Industry Assoc.

Testimonials for The ABCs of Trees

The ABCs of Trees has crafted the important environmental message perfectly for a young audience. The illustrations are excellent and engaging. Most any child will see them and think “I can do that!” This is followed by a child looking more closely at trees and drawing them, strengthening their interest, if not fascination, in trees. Finally, the book has done an outstanding job of introducing solid words and concepts. Kids are sponges. This excellent little book gives them a lot to absorb.

Steven Lorton

Retired Northwest Bureau Chief, Sunset Magazine

The ABCs of Trees is a fantastic contribution to start young children on the discovery of trees. Its approach covers important aspects of basic horticulture facts about trees. As a grandparent to nine, I thank Scott Zanon for using a simple but effective theme from which all my grandchildren can learn. And as a lifelong horticulture educator I also thank Scott for his contribution to recognizing the value of trees in our environment.”

Steven Still

Grandparent and Horticulture Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University

This book delivers an important message to help children understand the interdependence of people, trees, and the earth. The clever illustrations and introduction of basic facts is an accessible entry point for all elementary students. This book may foster student-led research on plant systems, and critical thinking about ways to solve problems in agriculture, health, and the environment.”

Pam Bergen

Retired Elementary Teacher, Upper Arlington City Schools

The ABCs of Trees is an engaging non-fiction book to add to our collection. By utilizing the familiarity of the alphabet in conjunction with the topic of trees, this book has kept our nature loving girls busy outside learning and identifying things right in our own backyard. The vibrant art and easy to read text will keep the littlest learners coming back for more!”

Andrea and Andrew Porter

Parents of 5 & 7 year-old daughters

The ABCs of Trees provides a lens into the wonderful world of trees and some of the facts we all should know about the dominant life form we encounter in our daily lives. Children will delight in the insights provided in this book from A is for Arboretum to Z is for Zones. This book offers gems as Q is for Quote “the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is now.” Parents and grandparents will especially enjoy learning with their children and grandchildren.”

W. Hardy Eshbaugh

Grandparent and Botany Professor Emeritus, Miami University

The ABCs of Trees is an excellent, must-have book for all kids. My kids are hungry for information and facts and this book taught them all of the basics about trees in an educational, fun, and lighthearted way. They love following along with the ABCs and beautiful illustrations!

Kelly and Tony Massenelli

Parents of a 7 year-old son and 9 year-old daughter

This book is amazing and should be available in every school and home. It is a great book with basic tree facts for parents to read to children or for learners of any age to read. The first time I read it, I wanted to share it with every child!”

Laura Fay

Science Committee Chairwoman - Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed (FLOW)

The ABCs of Trees is a terrific way to introduce a child to the importance of trees and how they function in our world. As a grandmother, I enjoy sharing the love and passion I have for nature and horticulture with my granddaughter. The book is not only educational, but contains a bit of humor as well!”

Donna Sheidlower

Grandparent and Avid Gardener

The ABCs of Trees by Scott Zanon

The ABCs of Trees

A First Book About Trees

Available on AMAZON – makes a great gift!
CLICK HERE to order your book today!